Monday, December 04, 2006

Dona Nobis Pachem

Driving home I put in a CD by Beth Nielsen Chapman
that reminded me why I came back to THE CHURCH
(that is the Catholic Church, ya know the one true Church)
in the first place. I missed the truth, The Mass, a real liturgy and
the lovely and sometimes haunting hymns and chants. Not the post
Vatican 2 crap, but gems like Adoramus te, Christe or
Ave Verum Corpus.
I can be moved to tears at times.
The ones for the Holy Mother I like the best.

Last night was glorious.
Crisp, with a clear sky and a full moon.
I sang Dona Nobis Pacem and all seemed right with the world.
And that is my prayer, Dona Nobis Pacem...
Give us Peace.

To hear what I was listening to last night go to this link on Amazon and listen:

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