True Story.
Mom can't get kid to take a shower.
Mom calls local sheriff Dept.
Local Barney Fife comes out and takes a Taser to the little miscreant....with mom's permission of course.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, Welcome to Arkansas.
Screw Tasers y'all, it is time for this state to make it legal for teachers and parents to carry a nice long cattle prod with them, that way the little smart asses can't get too far away before you can reach out and give the little shit what for.
Man, raising a kid will be so much easier now that we can tell our misbehaving kids "straighten up or I'll get Dep. Fife to Tase you Jimmy Bob....now pick up that plate".
Can one still Taser their younins' after 18 if they are in college or is 18 the cut off date and then it is considered assault?
Just checking since mine is getting pretty close to 18.
Shakin' my head...just shakin' my head.
Far as I know, there's no law against tazing a kid. You just can't spank them. :-D
Can you taze someone else's kid and where can I buy an industrial strength taser?
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